DT Network

We are a Global Network Organization

We are active in more than 25 countries with DesignThinkers Hubs, Strategic Partners and a network of more than 150 independent professionals from different industries and domains. This allows us to work with you wherever you are and gives us the flexibility to compose the best possible team for you and your innovation challenge.

Our Hubs are our local teams that fully represent the DesignThinkers Brand and way-of-working. Each Hub manages our local network and local customers.

Our network of independent professionals allows us to quickly scale up and down and set-up local teams with domain-specific expertise.

Finally, our Strategic Partners are adjacent teams that offer specific expertise and experience and with whom as have a long-standing relation. We work with them as one team to offer full service across the complete innovation process (from Innovation Strategy and User Research to Service Design and Rapid Prototyping & Validation) with dedicated domain-specific expertise.

Our Strategic Partners



Our Strategic UX & UI Partner
from User Research & to UI implementation.


Exact Business

Our Strategic Research Partner
for Customer Segmentation & Insight Generation.



Our Strategic Partner in fast
& advanced Prototyping and Experiment Design.