We craft with a designer's mindset.
We approach every challenge from the user’s perspective. Through the application of Design Thinking, we work to create more usable, compelling and powerful outcomes. We focus on creating value for people as the most effective way to drive project success and inspire growth for our clients’ businesses and organisations.
We practice strategic Design Thinking with an overt bias for user validation, combining quantitative data analysis with a variety of qualitative research tools. We flip insights and consumer data into first ideas, enabling teams to make informed decisions on which directions to pursue. We work to understand three dimensions in every design challenge: business context (how project objectives align with business strategy); market context (how project outcomes are influenced by category and conditions) and most importantly, the human context.
Creating value for you and your clients
We believe that success can be unlocked through a deep understanding of customers’ challenges for progress and by creating the right solution and associated experiences that address their needs well. To this end, every project we deliver is strengthened by deep customer insight and action informed by empathy.
Together, we work from deep customer insights to solutions that are validated with customers, employees, and key stakeholders. We build motivated teams and guide them through the Design Thinking innovation process, such that they have hands-on experience. We engage key internal stakeholders and raise organizational awareness to support the innovation process, continuous learning, and successful implementation.
We work with you, not for you.
Design Thinking is a widely recognised framework to development innovative and relevant solutions for complex challenges. It is a hands-on method and mindset with emphasis on teamwork and iterative learning through continuous end-user and stakeholder involvement. It stimulates teams to ask the right questions to uncover underlying needs of end-users and stakeholders and it stimulates creativity to realize products, services and experiences that are truly relevant for them.
We do this by bringing the different required disciplines together in a collaborative and creative team spirit, work with that team in a series of high-energy and inspiring design sprints alternated with end-customer (or end-user) and stakeholder validation, and help the team involve and manage internal stakeholders. In this way we help you to be more Responsive, Relevant, and Innovation-Ready.
We empower you through content and capability
We do that with a designer’s mindset (Design Thinking) which is a widely recognised to be instrumental in developing innovative and relevant solutions for complex challenges. It entails a hands-on approach with emphasis on teamwork and iterative learning through continuous validation.
We stimulate teams to take a step back, assess the challenge and ask the right questions to uncover underlying needs of end-users and stakeholders. This is referred to the Problem Space and the main goal is value identification. We then stimulate the team creativity to generate options to choose from and prototype and validate in multiple smaller steps to promote continuous learning and improvement. This is refereed to the Solution Space and the main goal is value realization. This approach allows us to realize products, services and experiences that are truly relevant.
We define a customized route of both content and capability services to ensure an approach that meets your unique needs and unlocks your organization's potential.
Don’t just take our word for it...
Harvard Business Review Why Design Thinking Works
McKinsey The Business Value of Design
McKinsey Building a Design-driven Culture
Design Management Institute Good Design Drives Shareholder Value
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